Flickr Increases Prices and Sets Goals for 2020






Flickr has been headlining photography news this week due to a sudden price increase for Pro memberships.

For those who haven’t seen the news, the new prices are:

  • 1 month: $6.99, plus tax
  • 3 month: $18.99, plus tax
  • 1 year: $59.99, plus tax
  • 2 year: $117.99, plus tax

They also have an offer that lets current Pro subscribers renew their membership for 2019 prices.

Flickr have also released a blog post to discuss their 2020 goals and what we can expect from the website.

I’ve been using Flickr since 2011 and a Pro member since 2012. These price changes are quite high for me as when converted to AUD, it is quite a bit higher that the 2019 price which was already high.

Despite all this, I will still be renewing for another 2 years. I’m heavily invested in Flickr as I use it to power the portfolio part of Photosbydlee. I really want to see Flickr thrive again as it’s a great place for photographers to share their images and discuss the hobby with their photography community.

In saying this, I do feel Flickr needs more direction. They need to choose between being a portfolio site to show only your best work like 500px, or a storage site to backup all your files.

If the people who store every single photo they take on Flickr left the platform, that wouldn’t be a bad thing either. It would leave the actual photography community and higher quality images. It would be less money coming in but also less files to manage so less costs on Flickr’s side in terms of maintenance.

What do you think of the changes at Flickr? Will you continue to subscribe? Leave a comment and tell me what you think. You can also subscribe at the bottom of the page to be notified whenever I make a new post.

Photos By Dlee

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