Reflecting on your Photography – Single Shot Podcast




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Welcome to The Photography Enthusiast Single Shot Podcast! This is one of two podcasts by The Photography Enthusiast that will be releasing here.

As someone who listens to podcasts on a daily basis, I love shows that are more discussion based which have two or more hosts. For us, this will be the main show titled The Photography Enthusiast Podcast with John Sison and Daniel Lee. In saying this, some topics can be more straight forward and informative in nature. These can be discussed by a single host. This is where the Single Shot Podcast comes in.

The first episode is titled Reflecting on your Photography which is based on my article with the same title. For anyone willing to share their images, I’ve made a thread over on Flickr for everyone to show how much their photos have changed over the years.

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes. You can find The Photography Enthusiast at the following locations:


Photos By Dlee

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